Seeing is Believing Tours
There is no better way to understand our region’s needs than to experience the powerful supports that are making change happen in our communities.
Days of Caring
Day of Caring brings together volunteers and local agencies, to help tackle community projects that often include repair work, gardening, painting, and cleaning.
Workplace Campaigns
Annual workplace campaigns are a great way for employers and employees to come together to make their community a better place for everyone.
Brain Architecture Game
Let us facilitate an interactive game experience that builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development – what promotes it, what derails it, and more.
DIY Care Kits
Care kits are a great way to help make a difference for people in our community that are in need. Simply choose the kit(s) you would like to build, purchase the supplies listed for that kit and put it together in a bag, tote or box.
Product Drives
Host a product drive (socks, mitts, personal hygiene products, etc.) with friends or coworkers to help individuals and families access basic needs.
Go Red Fridays
Wear RED on Fridays to raise awareness & improve local lives! Rally your team and start a new tradition in support of your community. By wearing red, you'll be showing your commitment to helping changes lives.
Local Events
United Way hosts and participates in a variety of events throughout the year. Please connect with us to discuss how you can get involved through sponsorship, volunteering, and other partnerships.
For more information on any of these opportunities, or to discuss a tailored opportunity for your group, please contact us at 705-560-3330 or email